2015 KIChE President Young Investigator Award Announcement

Nomination deadline: Sept 1, 2015

Award Purpose/Scope: Intended to recognize Korean and Korean-American scientists and engineers who, while early in their research careers, show exceptional potential for leadership at the frontiers of scientific knowledge in the general field of chemical engineering.

Recipient Qualifications: Individual award will be made to a principal investigator of Korean descent affiliated with a U.S. institution of higher education, national laboratory, industrial laboratory or non-profit research organization; candidate should be employed on a full-time basis and hold a position of tenure-track Assistant Professor/Associate Professor without tenure or equivalent.

Application Materials: An application package including a cover letter which includes a brief statement on academic scholarship and service to the KIChE US Chapter (300 words or less), full CV, and one supporting letter must be submitted to the KIChE US Chapter Award Selection Committee by the applicant prior to the deadline via email to the Committee Chair (Hyunmin Yi, [email protected]). Nominations can also be made by other individuals. The supporting letter can be directly submitted to the award committee by the referee.

Each awardee will be invited to give an award lecture in the KIChE Open Forum at the AIChE Annual Meeting.